Congratulations to TGCW and it's members on the successful first FULL year of the group. We've accomplished so much together, and have so much more planned for the future!
A quick look back:
- In January we established our by-laws.
- Soon after, critique groups were formed among members.
- The spring brought TGCW their first group contest. Learn more: and
- In the summer, members voted on an official logo for TGCW.
- July also offered TGCW's first workshop led by Lamar professors: learn more:
- Each month TGCW enjoyed an official meeting and speakers: January 14 - Business Meeting,
February 11 - Susie Clevenger of Houston, a photographer and writer. Learn more and find links to her social media at, March 11 - Merrilyn Williams - Flash Fiction, Editing, April 8 - Elizabeth Ludwig the award-winning author of No Safe Harbor. To learn more, visit and her popular literary blog, The Borrowed Book, May 13 - Shelly Vitanza, Editor-in-Chief,'s Events Book, June 10 – Debra Johnson of Beaumont. She is a speaker, author, editor and historian, July 8- Jason Whitney, author of children's book, The Seed, August 12- Jerome Cabeen, Memoirs of a Reluctant Servant, September 9- Dorothy Sells Clover, author of Cornucopia: A Book of Poetry, October 14- Lucy Dennis author of The Tracks of His Tears, A Miscarriage of Justice, November 11- Sylvia Ney's "Platform and Promotion" lesson and group activities, and December 9 - Sharing, socializing, and planning for 2014.
It has been my honor to serve as President and I look forward to an exciting 2014 with my TGCW friends. Happy New Year!
Sylvia Ney