BEN F. LEE will be speaking about and leading practice on "The Mechanics of Writing: the Nuts and Bolts." Be sure to bring a notepad and pen/pencil to the session.
He is married, one living son. English major (BA Degree), one published book of poems (Distant Trumpet 1966) - Labelle Press. Career includes professional writing work: newspaper reporter, manager - resume company, director of proposal development (major Southeast Texas engineering firm), self-employed writing consultant, freelance articles (various company publications), and ghost writer for novelist.
An enthusiastic, dedicated Christian, he loves the Crucifixion era. Currently writing Historical/Biblical novels: Arimathea Series. Ten books completed (Spring 2014). Inspiration: My 1989 Poem, “The Cripple,” Crucifixion period piece. Three completed Medieval Fantasy (SCiFi); sequel to one in progress.
Member - Golden Triangle Writers Guild (1985 - 2013). Writing credentials: GTWG Conference contest: First Place - Science Fiction (1985); First Place - Mainstream (1987 & 1989). Newspaper awards include: Hearst Newspapers - The Hearst Distinguished Journalism Award (Community Group) - Third Place Features (1997); Press Club of Southeast Texas - 3rd Place - Newspaper Feature - Non-Daily Newspaper (1997).
Additional:: 38-year member - Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), a medieval reenactment group. He possesses extensive hands-on knowledge of the Medieval Period. Within SCA: recognized as a fighting instructor (Southeast and Central Texas chivalric and rapier fighting).