Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Year-End Review

Congratulations to TGCW and it's members on the successful first FULL year of the group. We've accomplished so much together, and have so much more planned for the future!

A quick look back:

- In January we established our by-laws.

- Soon after, critique groups were formed among members.

- The spring brought TGCW their first group contest. Learn more: http://www.texasgulfcoastwriters.blogspot.com/2013/04/national-poetry-month-appreciation.html and http://www.texasgulfcoastwriters.blogspot.com/2013/03/tgcw-logo-contest.html

- In the summer, members voted on an official logo for TGCW.

- July also offered TGCW's first workshop led by Lamar professors: learn more: http://www.texasgulfcoastwriters.blogspot.com/2013/07/tgcw-workshop.html

- Each month TGCW enjoyed an official meeting and speakers:   January 14 - Business Meeting,
February 11 - Susie Clevenger of Houston, a photographer and writer. Learn more and find links to her social media at susieclevenger.com, March 11 -   Merrilyn Williams - Flash Fiction, Editing, April 8 -  Elizabeth Ludwig the award-winning author of No Safe Harbor. To learn more, visit ElizabethLudwig.com and her popular literary blog, The Borrowed BookMay 13 - Shelly Vitanza, Editor-in-Chief, SoutheastTexas.com's Events Book, June 10Debra Johnson of Beaumont. She is a speaker, author, editor and historian, July 8- Jason Whitney, author of children's book, The Seed, August 12- Jerome Cabeen, Memoirs of a Reluctant Servant, September 9- Dorothy Sells Clover, author of Cornucopia: A Book of Poetry, October 14- Lucy Dennis author of  The Tracks of His Tears, A Miscarriage of Justice, November 11- Sylvia Ney's "Platform and Promotion" lesson and group activities, and December 9  - Sharing, socializing, and planning for 2014.

It has been my honor to serve as President and I look forward to an exciting 2014 with my TGCW friends. Happy New Year!

Sylvia Ney